Sunday, 8 May 2011

Welcome Back, Self...

Well, if you've read this blog since my first couple of posts, firstly I love you and secondly you've probably realise that my blogging on this site was fairly short-lived. Well, I've had an... eventful few months and haven't really had much motivation to do anything to be honest. I stopped writing my... well I'm loathed to call it a novel but a story sounds like I'm five - let's call it my 'work'. I stopped working out and just kind of became a giant gaming sponge. Obviously I couldn't continue my existence like this for too long, so I convinced myself to get up and do something. I'm lucky that I've been blessed with a large amount of willpower, but for those of you who aren't, sometimes quotes and stuff can help. Here's a particular one I like:

"Cause sometimes you feel tired,
feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up.
But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength
and just pull that shit out of you and get that motivation to not give up
and not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse." 

This is said by Eminem at the start of the song/rap or whatever you want to call it 'Till I Collapse', he may not word it in the most articulate, least offensive way but you've got to give it to him, he gives good advice.

Anyway, I've been contemplating which direction to take this blog... Should I go all deep and serious or should I be funny and light-hearted? And I've decided, drum roll please... I'm going to do both, I'm going to let my personality leak into my blog, which isn't a bad thing but I can sometimes be a little 'bi-polar' with my subjects. Some days I might be drawing small fluffy animals in paint or finding a large collection of things shaped like penises in nature and sometimes I might be commenting on the insignificance of the human race or hypothesising that Obama and the newly pwned Osama are the same person.
Just to demonstrate:

I think this was originally supposed to be a wombat, but turned into a standing otter.

This one is fairly self-explanatory, it's a potato shaped like a penis. A penistato. Or a potenis.

This was the picture for the human race being insignificant, just look at the size of our planet compared to our solar system, that's not even including the unimaginable vast empty space between the planets, moons or the asteroid belt. And then you think that there are a possibly infinite number of solar systems in an infinite number of galaxies. And you realise how small you are, and how meaningless and insignificant you and the problems that seem everything to you, really are.


So basically my blog will be the internet equivalent of a mental patient who one day runs around the ward drawing moustaches on the guards and babbling about unicorns and the next sits in his cell muttering about how there's no God and that aliens are probably watching him. 

When I was drawing those two I reached for the trusty tablet (it's computer equipment if you didn't know - I'm not a drug addict) and realised I'd run over the USB connector with my chair and it doesn't fit in my laptop now, so my drawings won't be as high a quality as they once were and I'll be relying much more heavily on that blessed auto-shape tool.

Anyway, I think I'm done now with my rambling re-introduction to the site, and I have time for a quick disclaimer:

Now if I'm going to let this blog be influenced by my 'colourful' personality you need to understand a few things. I'm not out to offend anyone, but if I do then that's not my fault - it's yours for taking things that I say too seriously. I have nothing against anyone, black, white, Asian, fat, thin, pretty, ugly, lesbian, gay, straight, bisexual, transsexual or whatever your minority may be. But I'm not going to tiptoe around anything I want to say. Also I'm probably going to use a bit of bad language... I don't think people who swear should be judged, as long as not being used excessively and it's being used in appropriate contexts. If your sentences consist of 'Good fucking morning today I'm going to fucking wash my fucking car and then I'm fucking off to work with my fucking boss and all the other fuckers that I fucking work with. Fuck.' of course my first thought is going to be that you're a skin head knuckle dragging moron, but I'm certainly not a prude. That's pretty much it, thanks for reading, check back soon and if your lucky I won't have morphed back into the giant couch dwelling gaming sponge.

(Can you believe that there are no pictures of giant sponges sitting on couches playing xbox on google images? I sure as hell can't!)